CTD: Vanguard is easy to get

Описание к видео CTD: Vanguard is easy to get

No Doc but strategy is below

P1: Gunner (Alt Training) Sniper Hired Dreadeye (and any supports)
Get 2 lvl 2 gunners and upgrade the one furthest left to level 3
Proceed to place new gunners to level 3 (video for reference)
Turn off autoskip on wave 15 and manually skip
Get dreadeye and snooze for now
At around wave 20 and above stop placing level 3 gunners
Focus on getting the first dreadeye to max while getting support towers with extra cash
Place the other 2 dreadeyes and snooze for later
continue upgrading dreadeyes and supports when possible

P2: Sniper Archer Miner Gunner Hired Dreadeye (and any supports)
Get 6 Level 3 Mineres
Assist if defense is struggling
get 3 lvl 3 archers and upgrade them to max when you make more money
Spam snipers get dreadeyes and supports once you can

P3: Sniper Gunner Hired Dreadeye (and any supports)
Get 2 lvl 2 gunners
Start sniper spamming
(Get more gunners if its needed)
Get supports and dreadeyes when possible


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