11 Ways People Make Money Off America's Garbage | World Wide Waste | Business Insider Marathon

Описание к видео 11 Ways People Make Money Off America's Garbage | World Wide Waste | Business Insider Marathon

The average American produces almost 5 pounds of waste daily, and more than two-thirds of that ends up in landfills. We looked at 11 different ways companies, NGOs, and individuals are turning American trash into treasure.

00:00 - Intro
00:31 - Human Hair Mats
08:21 - Turning Glass Into Sand
18:11 - Recycling Wind Turbines
29:46 - Cardboard Is More Interesting Than You Think
41:41 - Making Paint From Pollution
47:20 - The World's Most Recycled Material
57:01 - E-Waste
01:06:41 - New York City's Garbage
01:14:42 - Luxury Trash Furniture
01:22:53 - Recycling Your Roof
01:33:42 - Cleansing Land With Lavender
01:41:44 - Luxury Plastic Bags
01:48:40 - Credits

Why Are Chip Bags So Hard To Recycle? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider
   • Why Are Chip Bags So Hard To Recycle?...  
How 1.5 Million Plastic Bottles Are Turned Into Clothing Every Day | World Wide Waste
   • How 1.5 Million Plastic Bottles Are T...  
Can Bamboo Replace Paper And Plastic? And Should It? | World Wide Waste | Business Insider
   • Can Bamboo Replace Paper And Plastic?...  

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How People Profit Off America's Garbage | World Wide Waste | Business Insider


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