Dr Mark Rowe on Self-Care: a Key Strategy for Health, Leadership & Life Success

Описание к видео Dr Mark Rowe on Self-Care: a Key Strategy for Health, Leadership & Life Success

Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the sick person can see. It’s priceless, which is why investing in your self-care needs is so important. Self-care is not selfish or self-centred. It’s a basic necessity of life, not a luxury. Taking good care of you enables you to also take better care of others. The starting point for self-care is on the inside, being attuned to the needs of your emotions, body, mind and spirit so that you can function optimally.

It’s about a shift in consciousness, tuning inwards to your heart, mind and innate nature. Becoming self-aware enough to know what enables you to be your best authentic self. Self-care include s self-development, self-renewal, self-acceptance and of course self-compassion enabling you to live a life with more vitality.

Giving yourself some encouragement when you are struggling emotionally, being curious with your emotions rather than critical. Learning how to bulletproof yourself against burnout. In essence, self-care is a commitment to lifestyle habits that strengthen and support you in terms of emotions, physical, mind, spirit & your connections. A commitment that enables you to live with more vitality.


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