Star Wars Dejarik/Holochess in python (Galaxy's edge)

Описание к видео Star Wars Dejarik/Holochess in python (Galaxy's edge)

since i cant do voiceover i have left comments everywhere explaining codes. rules that applies are based on walt Disney's 2019 Galaxy's edge (pieces are Brute,Predator,Scout,Guardian which are abilities in the actual game)

1.import statements, initialization of Pygame, and definition of constants and colors
2.loading piece images, creating circular masks, and utility functions for drawing segments
3.the screen creation, font setup, piece definitions, game state variables, and initialization functions are defined.
4.Functions for drawing the game board, highlighting moves, and drawing game information.
5.This part includes functions for determining valid moves and attacks, handling moves and attacks, switching players, and checking win conditions.
6.Functions for handling move animations and attack particles.
7.Functions to handle user input, such as clicking on pieces and moving them.
8.The main loop of the game where the game runs, processes input, updates animations, and draws everything on the screen.


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