Stephanie's Gastric Sleeve journey - Week 1

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Hey everybody! So today is officially one week since my operation - my gastric sleeve. I've been doing really well actually. I was in hospital for two days. Managed to walk from HDU down to my room which I was so proud of myself. Had two physios at the side of me and a nurse behind me with a wheelchair just in case. But no, I did it. Walked all the way down there so I was really happy with myself. Came home and not going to lie felt kind of felt all the bumps in the road on the way home but that was like day two past my operation. Since then I've had no pain. None whatsoever. I spoke to my bariatric nurse on day three and she asked me if everything was going okay and I said yeah and got no pain. Actually asked her at one point 'You sure he's done it' but yeah he's definitely done it.

Food-wise, I'm still on a liquid diet at the minute. For my breakfast I have about 200 mils of fresh orange and an Actimel and a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea helps with any wind that you've got and stuff like that. For my lunch I may have a protein shake then for my tea I'm having soup. So I've had things like tomato soup or cream of mushroom soup and I've sieved it to get all the bits out and added some water to it. So I've had about 200 mils of that. I eat really slowly, only because I don't want to get anything stuck. I'm eating about, In the beginning it was about 6 teaspoons but now it's about about 8 or 10. So I make sure it lasts me about half an hour by eating really really slowly. I'm still getting my water in. I'm not drinking as much as a should. I'm drinking about five hundred, six, seven hundred mils in the day so I'm concentrating on trying to get my water up as well. I have been on the scales and - sorry if you can see the tails of the cat. I have been on the scales. I've lost 11 pounds in a week, which I'm shocked. I'm so shocked. I've started to get a bit obsessed with them, so I've put them away. I weighed myself yesterday I had lost 11 pounds so I put them away I'm not going to weigh myself now until a month probably. You watch, I'll update you in another week and I'll have been on the scales again, but that's my intention at the minute. I'm going to put them away because you do become obsessed with them.

What else can I tell you? Head hunger. It's so real! I never thought it was real before - it really is. I was lying in bed the other day and all I could think was egg wraps. Why? It's really strange, just like an egg like pancake, that’s all I could think of. I'm thinking to myself 'Shall I have it? Shall have it?' and then I had to have a strong word with myself I was like 'No I have not gone through this process for nothing. Stick to the guidelines.' So I had a strong word with myself then I went to sleep. Felt tons better the next day and came down but, egg wraps? It wasn't even anything like I don't know like chocolate or something like that, it just I don't know where egg wraps came from! So yeah head hunger is real. Didn't think I would suffer with it but yeah it is real so be prepared for it if you go through this surgery. Just tell yourself it's really not worth it and it's a positive thing that you’re going through. So yeah that was about it really. I will see you soon. Thank you for following me and seeing what I'm going through. So I will update you soon. Thanks, bye!


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