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Reply To ‎@I. M. Bixu  For 2 Shoes Roast | Funny Reaction Video On #imbixu

As you know few months ago #Bixu Released his rap song which name 2 shoes. And now bixu upload his second rap song which is Bixu POV Rap. I will shoot a video on bixu Rap songs because many people like to listen Im Bixu's song.

In today's Video we react on I m bixu new roast video. Because he was try to roast me.
So, Lets roll up and get start our Bixu Roast video.

Bixu's Video 👇🏻    • REACTING TO ROAST ON ME  

If you thinking why I made this reaction video about bixu rap song So, the reason is bixu roast me in his video first because I tell some honest openion in the front of bixu subscribers. May be So, I am bixu don't like My video which is about bixu 2shoes rap song.

‪@NeonMan‬ ‪@FFNewsBoy‬ ‪@SantaliNewsboy1‬ ‪@TopTvNews51‬


#Bixu #imbixu #roast #roastme #bixuroast #2shoes #Pov #curupt #gameplay


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