Titanfall: Pilot Combat Basics

Описание к видео Titanfall: Pilot Combat Basics

Titanfall Wiki page: http://titanfall.gamepedia.com/Titanf...

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Titanfall is an upcoming title by developer Respawn Entertainment and published by EA. Respawn Entertainment is founded by Jason West and Vince Zampella, who were formerly president and CEO (and co-founder) of Infinity Ward respectively. Titanfall is a purely online multi-player based game although it will inject single player elements such as story. Set on a war-torn planet, players will play as agile, free-running pilots and have the ability to hijack mechs (Titans). The titans abilities include a vortex blocker, which stops and returns enemy ammunition in midair, and electrified smoke, which hurts and repels pilots climbing the Titan's back. In addition to that, titans are also quick (although not as quick as the pilots). Respawn has taken an interesting approach to the ending of matches with players having to race to the loser's evacuation dropship. Titanfall is one of the most anticipated games of the upcoming year and winner of over 60 E3 awards. It has been hailed by critics as the "next step for the fps genre." Titanfall will make use of Microsoft's cloud for dedicated servers and potentially for expanded AI capabilities. It is slated to be released in 2014 on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC. It has recently been Confirmed That Titanfall will not be coming to the PS3 or PS4 "Titanfall is exclusive only for the lifetime of the title on Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC" -Blake Jorgenson (CEO EA)


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