How to make wooden tin whistle/low whistle

Описание к видео How to make wooden tin whistle/low whistle

Whole procces of making a low whistle, with just a few basic hand tools. I am using elderwood (Sambucus nigra), becouse it is easy to drill thanks to the soft inside, and becouse it was used traditionally for this kind of flutes. If you use wood lathe to turn your flute, you can choose pretty much any hardwood you want.

The most critical step is cutting the playing window, even small changes in milimeters have big impact on the final sound, so take your time.

There is a great tutorial to making tin whistle by Guido Gonzato Ph.D. which freely avaliable online -

Gonzato provides great basics, and you will get general idea about the flute dimension - length, windway and window size etc. But I don´t recommend following his flute plans blindly, your tunning will be off, unless you are very lucky (especially if you are using wood, and not pvc as the flute material). Instead try to follow the instructions I give you in my previous video about flute making, to make to the tunning perfectly fit your custom flute. In that video I demonstrate on a transverse flute, but the tunning method will work perefectly for whistles as well.

If you consider buying low whistle or transverse flute, you can contact me on facebook -   / voxarborishome  

Music - Harbor city (from Risen by Kai Rosenkranz)


0:00 Intro
1:23 Preparing the wood
2:57 Marking the window
3:49 Cutting the window and the windway
7:21 Finishing the mouthpiece
8:15 Adding the playing holes
8:47 Custom carving
10:13 Finished flute!
10:40 First playing


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