Making Custom Lead Swimbait Jig Heads (Part 2 of 2 - Pouring the Molds and Lead)

Описание к видео Making Custom Lead Swimbait Jig Heads (Part 2 of 2 - Pouring the Molds and Lead)

In this video (Part 2) I show how to make the Swimbait Head Jig Mold from silicone using the master mold box I designed in Part 1... and then pour the actual swimbait heads from lead.

The mold files are available for purchase from

See my website for other 3D printed lures and projects - https://www.theneverendingprojectslis...

Music - Summer from

0:00 - Printing the Master Mold Boxes
0:15 - The Mold Max 60 Silicone
1:03 - Measuring & Mixing the Silicone
3:49 - Pouring the Silicone Mold
7:51 - De-molding
9:38 - Bait Keepers and setting up the Mold
11:35 - Melting the Lead
11:54 - Pouring the Lead for the First Time
14:09 - Second Pour
15:22 - The Finished Poured Jig Heads
17:04 - Cleaning up the Jig Heads
17:40 - Cleaned up and ready to Weigh
18:59 - Calculating Weight in CAD
20:20 - Powder Coating the Heads

21:32 - Painting and Finishing Timelapse
22:13 - The Finished Swimbait Heads


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