專訪仇國仕 解構HK$5,000萬乾隆御瓷|Interview with Nicolas Chow on HK$50m Qianlong Reticulated Vase

Описание к видео 專訪仇國仕 解構HK$5,000萬乾隆御瓷|Interview with Nicolas Chow on HK$50m Qianlong Reticulated Vase

古玩收藏界最近的熱話,必屬「乾隆洋彩吉慶有餘玲瓏尊(又稱鏤空瓶)」無疑。繼發佈獨家流出照片後,The Value率先訪問「拍賣界金童」仇國仕(Nicolas Chow),讓這位蘇富比亞洲主席現身說法,解構此傳說中的御瓷重器……


A Qianlong reticulated vase has caused excitement in the antiques world after a leaked photo was released by The Value. We have talked to Nicolas Chow, Chairman of Sotheby’s Asia, about this reticulated vase, a brother vase of the most famous vase in auction history.

Full article: https://bit.ly/2MoBn0a


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