2024 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces & Libra Equinox

Описание к видео 2024 Lunar Eclipse in Pisces & Libra Equinox

The transits are busy and not subtle this week as we kick off the week with the first Lunar Eclipse of a new eclipse cycle between Pisces and Virgo. Then it’s like all the planets are scurrying to find their places before the Sun moves into Libra to initiate the new season and begin our collective descent into less daylight in the Northern Hemisphere as the Southern Hemisphere sees an increase in daylight.

Eclipse time is not the best for magic as things can go a little off script, however it’s a great time to practice conscious self-care and detach from any fixated outcomes that have been bringing us stress. Where can we find balance in our own lives, welcoming change as gracefully as nature welcomes the change of seasons?

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