The Pentagon Has Broken Its Silence on UFOs and Secret Alien Relations

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Here are the facts in the long-awaited, comprehensive new report.

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The Department of Defense has found no evidence of any connection between UFOs and the national security state—or evidence of UFOs, for that matter.
The All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office conducted interviews, tested alleged alien materials, and investigated sightings.
The report attempts to debunk several narratives about the government and UFOs, including cooperation between the government and aliens, defense contractors reverse engineering UFO technology, and more.

A newly published government report states that not only is there no proof of any secret effort by the U.S. government to cooperate with aliens or research alien technology, there is no proof that UFO sightings are the result of extraterrestrial visitations to Earth. The “Report on the Historical Record of U.S. Government Involvement with Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP),” written by the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, denies all claims regarding the U.S. government and UFOs, stating that they are the result of decreased public trust in government, the prevalence of UFOs in public culture, and unnecessary government secrecy.

The report was compiled by the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, an office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense that, in 2022, was tasked to investigate reports of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (what people in the U.S. government call UFOs). The 63 page report details the office’s investigation into claims that the U.S. government has some kind of secret UFO program going on—claims ranging from secret government knowledge of UFOs to actual relations between the government and extraterrestrial civilizations.

The report which came out Friday, March 8th apparently has a classified version, but it is unlikely to have anything new or different. AARO was led to believe that the difference in classification is likely due to discussion of sensitive or secret programs, as well as individuals, that are part of the secret UFO-government enterprise.

A popular narrative is that the US government is in possession of crashed UFOs, and has passed some of them on to defense contractors to learn their secrets.
The report attempts to address two major narratives that AARO believes emerged about the U.S. government and UFOs. The first is the conspiracy theory that “the USG and industry partners are in possession of and are testing off-world technology that has been concealed from congressional oversight and the world since approximately 1964, and possibly since 1947, if the Roswell events are included.”

AARO states that it investigated a number of claims in this vein. One was that named corporations, likely well known U.S. defense contractors, were experimenting on alien technology. Another was that the U.S. government was in possession of exotic, otherworldly materials made by aliens. Others included a claim that a former U.S. military officer had touched a UFO, and a former U.S. service member had observed “U.S. Special Forces” loading materials into a UFO. Individuals interviewed by AARO claimed that “between 2004 and 2007 the White House requested a research institute in Virginia study the theoretical societal impacts of disclosing that UAP are extraterrestrial in origin”


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