The angry parent, the bus and the heater

Описание к видео The angry parent, the bus and the heater

The ticket machine lost connection so it was not working while I was at Heathrow. It regained connection by the next bus stop.
5:39 Car stopping in the middle of a bus lane on a 40 MPH road. This is possible insurance fraud and very common thing that drivers try to do.
8:14 As a London Bus driver you are required to squeeze through tight spots as to save time. When doing so always proceed with caution.
21:35 On this video I mention the inadequate bus ventilation/heating for first time. This is a known issue and is announced publicly by the manufacturer. The Garage Manager however said me mentioning it causes damage to the company.
24:21 (upper camera and inside mirror) You can see people getting ready to get off at the bus stop early and timely. If you drive reasonably people will feel more comfortable to go towards the exit when the bus is moving.
32:50 People were ready way before the bus stop to get off the bus, but as you can see there is a person that was not. Because of how far the next bus stop is I decided to break the rules and stop again to let him off. When I noticed the two children following him I felt that I did the right thing, because the children have no fault for their parent poor planning. Then I proceed to speak about the event.
41:40 Then we meet a weird bus that don't have working lights.
46:08 In this situation is critical to take care of your blind spot and check and monitor properly as there are people crossing from your blind spot. This is the reason why these buses are dangerous to drive and my company started complaining about my videos.

This video is reupload. I no longer work as a bus driver.


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