Best Way To Lift Weights To Build Muscle (OVER 40)

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Best way to lift weights to build muscle - Hey guys, in this video tutorial of the best way to muscle over 40, I am going to show you my TriCon Training. You might be watching this video because you are struggling to get good results from lifting weights, but I am here to give you some great tips on how to lift weights to build muscle. Let’s get started on this tutorial on the best way to build muscle after 40.

The first thing I am going to talk about on how to build muscle at 40 years old is utilizing TriCon Training. TriCon Training is basically triple contraction training, which will allow you to build muscle without having to lift extremely heavy weights. And for us guys over 40, it will eliminate stress on your joints. I am going to demonstrate how the TriCon Training works, and then I will give you four different exercises that you can do in your workouts to help you build muscle after 40. I am going to explain why we do each exercise a certain way, so let’s get started with the first exercise in this tutorial on the best way to build muscle with weights.

The first exercise for how to build muscle after 40 is the High Row or High Pull on the High Row Machine. With the TriCon 3, you are going to be doing 9 total reps in each set. The first three reps are going to be explosive reps, and right after those 3 reps we are going to do the 3 TriCon reps. The TriCon reps are 10 second isometric holds right at the midrange of motion. That will help create a lot of time under tension which allows you to not have to use too much weight, which again will help with your joints and build muscle over 40. When you are doing this exercise with the TriCon reps you are focusing on contracting your back muscles as hard as possible for 10 seconds. Another great thing about doing this is it increases your lactic acid, which also elevates growth hormone levels. To finish of the exercise, you are then going to do 3 super slow reps to finish your high pull down utilizing TriCon Training. Using TriCon Training is key and is the best way to build muscle after 40.

The next exercise for how to lift weights to build muscle will utilize another plate loaded machine, which will eliminate using your stabilizer muscles. We are going to use the Shoulder Press Machine to build muscle over 40. It is going to be the same concept as the last exercise with the TriCon Training for the best way to lift weights to build muscle over 40. When doing this exercise, push your lower back up against the pad for how to build muscle over 40. People tend to extend their back out, but you want to make sure that you are putting the focus on your delts and that will also protect your spine. Lock your core in nice and tight and start with the explosive reps. Complete the TriCon set, and this exercise helps in the best way to build muscle over 40. So that is the Shoulder Press using the plate loaded machine for how to lift weights to build muscle.

The next exercise I am going to show you on how to build muscle over 40 is a Dumbbell Bench Press. You don’t want to get stuck in the isometric hold and have the weight give out on you, so the way we do this exercise with dumbbells instead of a bar will make it so you won’t get hurt. This is a safe way to do it, and it will also give you tremendous benefits. This will help make this workout the best way to lift weights to build muscle over 40. If you had any shoulder injuries, you are able to adjust your grip to alleviate stress on your shoulders when doing this exercise. You want to lift smarter for how to build muscle after 40, you don’t always have to lift heavier. This exercise will be very beneficial for how to build muscle at 40 years old, which contributes to making this workout the best way to build muscle with weights.

From there, we are going to head into the last exercise for how to build muscle after 40. The last exercise in this tutorial on the best way to build muscle over 40 is Goblet Squats. Make sure you stick the weight as close to your chest as possible, and you don’t want to lean too far forward when doing this exercise for how to build muscle at 40 years old.

Give this workout for how to build muscle over 40 a shot because it is the best way to lift weights to build muscle over 40. You can utilize TriCon Training with basically any type of exercise, which is why it is the best way to build muscle after 40.

If you enjoyed this Gary Walker Tricon Training video and this awesome Critical Bench workout, be sure to share this video:    • Best Way To Lift Weights To Build Mus...  

Well guys, that wraps up this video tutorial on the best way to build muscle with weights. Make sure to subscribe to our channel for more videos with the best way to build muscle over 40:


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