Introducing Skydio Dock™ and Skydio Remote Ops™

Описание к видео Introducing Skydio Dock™ and Skydio Remote Ops™

Skydio Dock and Remote Ops makes it easy to capture data in the hardest places. Intelligent drones can now autonomously inspect facilities, job sites, and infrastructure — anywhere, anytime.

Remotely operated drones will fundamentally change operations, reducing safety risks, costs, and time. By utilizing Skydio Dock, problems are identified quickly without arduous and dangerous inspections.

Continuous monitoring, recurring inspection, scheduled patrol, and on-demand visibility are now available with a few clicks, without the need for a person on site.

As Early Access customers of Skydio Dock continue to work closely with us and provide their feedback, we’re continually developing more capabilities based on their real-world applications to deliver more ROI.

With recent software updates, Skydio Remote Ops has become an even more valuable tool for these customers, and we're excited to share the significant enhancements we've made since the launch of Skydio Dock and Remote Ops.

Utility customers in particular are obtaining even more value from Dock at their substations by using it for recurring inspection of gauges and switches, post-incident response, and security patrol.

Substations are a complex and highly consequential environment. Many utilities organizations only trust Skydio drones to fly in this complex environment due to their advanced obstacle avoidance and ability to fly in energized environments by not relying on a magnetometer. This is how Skydio Autonomy, in combination with Remote Ops, enables automated workflows for inspecting substations that haven’t been possible before.

Recurring Inspection
Maintaining substations requires both planned and unplanned inspections. Regular inspections are critical to detect potential failures early, as downtime can result in lost revenue and regulatory scrutiny. However, inspections can be time-consuming and costly, and the energized environment of substations poses inherent safety risks.

With substation operations, routine and event-based inspections can be done with Dock. Routine gauge inspections like oil level readings, counter readings, and other manual visual inspection tasks can be performed by a Dock-based drone at a higher frequency, providing near real-time situational awareness without having to roll a truck.

Skydio Dock enables proactive operations rather than reactive repairs, and in this case saved the customer potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars plus eliminated significant downtime for their customers.

Using just the trackpad and keyboard on their laptop, the customer created the Autonomous Mission that was used to make this discovery in a few minutes – about the time it would take to fly a drone around the site.

Skydio Remote Ops allows you to plan and edit a mission from an overhead view of the site, or by flying the drone in Teleop mode, placing waypoint actions along the way. Once created, a mission can be easily scheduled and repeated as often as needed.

With the continual improvements made to Skydio Visual Positioning System (VPS), missions are now even more precise with GPS integration, especially for long-range, outdoor missions in complex environments such as substations.

VPS maintains the drone’s accuracy as it performs more precise and repeatable inspection missions, getting closer to equipment than any other drone safely can. That means you can get the same precise, close-up gauge reading – from the same angle, day after day – and the images are waiting for you and your team when you log into Skydio Cloud.

Regulatory Requirements
For these use cases to be truly valuable, they need to be performed remotely, beyond the visual line of sight (BVLOS) of the drone. Today, that requires a special waiver from the FAA.

The FAA waiver application and process is not straightforward, but with the help and expertise of Skydio’s Regulatory Team, we simplify the process, freeing up your utility staff to tackle the multitude of problems already on your plates.

We recently helped customers Dominion Energy and New York Power Authority obtain waivers that enable fully remote beyond visual line of sight operations using Skydio Dock and Remote Ops with no flight crew on site.

One of those waivers covers dozens of locations across multiple states. We can help take every aspect of your operations from the beginning stages to realizing the full value and potential of Dock and Remote Ops. We’re excited to continually deliver more value to our Early Access customers while working with new customers and improving from their feedback.

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