NCSO TV Patrol Car Computers

Описание к видео NCSO TV Patrol Car Computers

NSCO-TV presents a feature story about officer safety. Every patrol vehicle of the Nassau County Sheriffs Office is equipped with in car computers. Technology that allows officers to know more about the calls for service they respond to and what the status might be of fellow officers within the county. Criminals will run away but they can never get away from their own history at the finger tips of the police.


Speaker 1:

Our priority is protecting you, your family, and our community.

Speaker 2:

I like talking to people. I like to help people. It feels good to get back their property for them, to make them feel safe. Once you leave their house and know that there's no harm to them once you leave. The deputies as the Nassau County Sheriff's office have laptop computers in all the patrol vehicles. I think that the computer system helps us by making our job safer when we run someone's tags, letting us know what kind of criminal history they have ahead of time, their driving history. They may not have been arrested for anything, but they may have been a suspect on another report that we weren't aware of from another area in Florida or Georgia. It also shows if they've had any type of arrest that may have been violent. So I believe that having all that information firsthand and being able to see it lets us know what we're expecting when we get to a call. I can see what calls the other officers are on too, so you're not just paying attention to your call. You're also paying attention to what the other officer may need or who they may be dealing with that you've dealt with in the past, and you may be able to give them some information on it. It feels good to know that if the officer didn't hear us on the radio, they can always look at the screen and be able to tell where we are, what our location was. It makes you feel safer. The best part of my job is knowing that when I go to someone's house or to someone's business, once we leave, they feel safe. They feel like they can continue their business that day, or they can sleep safe at night.

Speaker 1:

Nassau County Sheriff's office: safety, protection, service. At home, on the road, in public. All day, every day, we're here for you.


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