《漁舟唱晚》[Yuzhou Changwan] - *姚貽德(古箏),楊蔭林(高胡) [Yao Yide (guzheng),Yang Yinlin (gaohu)] - 錄音:1955年, 巴黎

Описание к видео 《漁舟唱晚》[Yuzhou Changwan] - *姚貽德(古箏),楊蔭林(高胡) [Yao Yide (guzheng),Yang Yinlin (gaohu)] - 錄音:1955年, 巴黎

《漁舟唱晚》[Yuzhou Changwan] "Fishermen's Song at Eventide"
古曲 (Ancient Melody)
演奏 (Performed by): Yoa I Te (古箏/guzheng)*
*唱片資料只提供了古箏演奏者的英文拼音名字, 兩位演奏者可能是: 姚貽德(古箏),楊蔭林(高胡)
*The liner note of the vinyl record only provides the pinyin of the guzheng performer. It is likely that it was performed by: 姚貽德(古箏),楊蔭林(高胡) [Yao Yide (guzheng),Yang Yinlin (gaohu)]

1955年中國藝術團[Zhongguo Yishutuan]於巴黎演出錄音 (The China Arts Troupe performed in 1955, Paris)

在影片完結前的現場錄影取自唱片錄音的另一次演出, 已對錄影的畫面作了一些調整, 令畫面能與唱片的錄音更加配合, 但錄影的演奏速度與唱片錄音有很大差別, 所以還會有畫面與聲音不配合的情況出現。
(The live video recording inserted before the end of this video is taken from another performance. Some adjustments have been made to the video in order to synchronize the video picture with the sound recording from the vinyl record. However, you may still find the video picture does not match to the sound due to the great difference in tempos of the two performances.)

Digitized by Patrick Wong
from LP: Chinese Opera [Columbia 33CCX 3]
錄音日期: 1955年, 巴黎 (Recorded in 1955, Recorded in France in conjunction with the 2nd Festival International d'Art dramatique de Paris)
唱片發行日期: 1955年 (Released in 1955)


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