Highlight: "Are You a Socinian Without Knowing it?" Bruce Johnson - UUFLB - June 23, 2024

Описание к видео Highlight: "Are You a Socinian Without Knowing it?" Bruce Johnson - UUFLB - June 23, 2024

"Are You a Socinian Without Knowing it?"

Many years ago, when I first understood the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism, one of the first thoughts going through my mind was, “All this time I’ve been a Unitarian Universalist without knowing it!” That thought happens so frequently to people who discover UUism that it has almost become a kind of “inside joke.” Upon hearing what I have to say in today’s sermon, some UUFLB attendees might well leave with a similar thought: “I’ve been a Socinian my whole life and didn’t even know it!” What does that mean? Listen closely to today’s sermon, “Are You a Socinian Without Knowing it?” and find out!

Bruce is a native of Minnesota and was raised as a Lutheran. He trained as a Korean language interpreter during the Vietnam War and has degrees in history and library science from the University of Minnesota and the University of California at Berkeley. Bruce earned his Ph.D. while teaching at Berkeley and directing the California Historical Society Libraries. He later served as Director of the Indiana Historical Society Library; it was at this time that he and his partner (now husband) of 52 years, John Mendonça, began attending All Souls Unitarian Church in Indianapolis. After they both retired, Bruce and John moved to Southern California with their two cats (George & Gracie) about six years ago and joined the UU Fellowship of Laguna Beach, where Rev. Kent was minister. They are also proud members of Tapestry in Lake Forest. In addition to an interest in wine, Bruce has an interest in textual transmission and historical bibliography—the history of the book as an artifact. Bruce and John live in Laguna Woods Village.

Guest Speaker: Bruce Johnson
Worship Associate: Pamela Flodman
Music: Carole Cole
Zoom Tech: Dara Skarecky
AV Techs: Pamela Flodman / Don West, Jr
Facebook: Cindy Williams
Community Outreach: Kendra Romans


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