How to Play EZREAL ADC for Beginners | EZREAL Guide Season 10 | League of Legends

Описание к видео How to Play EZREAL ADC for Beginners | EZREAL Guide Season 10 | League of Legends

How to Play EZREAL ADC for Beginners | EZREAL Guide Season 10 | League of Legends is focused on playing Ezreal and the purpose of this video is to explain the essentials of how to play Ezreal and why he is a great ADC to play, if you are new in the ADC role. Remember to Like, Comment & Subscribe!

Runes: 0:10
Item build:
⚔️ Muramana
⚔️ Iceborn Gauntlet or Trinity Force
⚔️ Ionian Boots of Lucidity
⚔️ Blade of the Ruined King
⚔️ Bloodthirster
⚔️ Guardian Angel
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