Dove shooting at Swat, KPK | Day 2

Описание к видео Dove shooting at Swat, KPK | Day 2

This video features my second dove hunt of the season 2023-2024
I went to a rice field locally in Swat with a really good report of dove’s migration. Woke up early at 5:30am and got to the field before the first light. The gun I carried was a beretta ultra light gold over under and a shotkam gen4 was also attached to the barrel and got my gopro hero 9 as well.
The migration was okay-ish I only got to shoot at 4 and scored only one. None the less it’s just the start lets see what happens in the evening shoot. Cheers!
#beretta #Dovehunting #overunder #shotkam #Huntinginpakistan #fakhta #Doves #Mourningdoves #Huntinginswat


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