歌曲 美丽新疆 - 演唱: 谢敏

Описание к видео 歌曲 美丽新疆 - 演唱: 谢敏

This song once participated in the 2020 North American Internet Singer Chinese Song Contest and won a special prize.
一首新疆歌曲, 美丽新疆, 希望朋友们喜欢!
A subtitle is added.

Xinjiang, an autonomous territory in northwest China, is a vast region of deserts and mountains. It's home to many ethnic minority groups, including the Turkic Uyghur people. The ancient Silk Road trade route linking China and the Middle East passed through Xinjiang, a legacy that can be seen in the traditional open-air bazaars of its oasis cities, Hotan and Kashgar.


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