Are People Feeling More Lonely? | Oxford ELLT Speaking Presentation Latest Topic with Answer

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The Pros of Refusing Teenagers Access to Social Media


Protection from Online Predators: Denying access reduces the risk of teenagers encountering online predators who may exploit their vulnerability.

Explanation: Social media can expose teenagers to strangers with malicious intent, posing serious dangers.
Improved Mental Health: Reduced screen time can lead to better mental health outcomes by decreasing exposure to cyberbullying and comparison.

Explanation: Many studies suggest a link between excessive social media use and mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Enhanced Focus on Studies: Without constant distractions, teenagers may find it easier to concentrate on their studies.

Explanation: Social media can be a significant source of distraction, impacting academic performance.
Privacy and Data Security: Minimizing online presence reduces the risk of personal data exposure and privacy breaches.

Explanation: Social media platforms often collect vast amounts of user data, which can be vulnerable to misuse.
Reduced Peer Pressure: Teens may face less peer pressure when they are not exposed to social media's curated image of others.

Explanation: Social media often promotes unrealistic standards and fosters the fear of missing out.
Slide 3: The Cons of Refusing Teenagers Access to Social Media

6. Social Isolation: Teens may feel socially isolated without the ability to connect with peers online.

Explanation: In a digital age, social media is a primary means of communication for many teenagers.
Educational Opportunities: Social media can be a valuable resource for educational content and networking.

Explanation: Educational platforms and resources are often available on social media, fostering learning opportunities.
Career Development: Early exposure to professional networks can help teenagers in future career prospects.

Explanation: Social media offers a platform for building professional relationships and showcasing skills.
Digital Literacy: Denying access may hinder the development of digital literacy and online safety skills.

Explanation: Teaching responsible social media use can empower teenagers to navigate the digital world safely.
Freedom of Expression: Refusing access may infringe upon teenagers' freedom of speech and expression.

Explanation: Social media allows individuals to share opinions and engage in discussions on various topics.
Slide 4: Striking a Balance

Parental Guidance: Emphasize the importance of parental guidance in monitoring and teaching responsible social media use.

Explanation: Parents can play a crucial role in guiding teenagers through the challenges of social media.
Digital Detox Periods: Encourage periodic digital detoxes to balance online and offline life.

Explanation: These breaks can help teenagers reflect on their online behavior and its impact.


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