Vladimir Sofronitsky plays Scriabin Etudes op. 8 and op. 42 - live 1952

Описание к видео Vladimir Sofronitsky plays Scriabin Etudes op. 8 and op. 42 - live 1952

This LP transfer is a very special recording of Vladimir Sofronitsky playing a selection of Scriabin's Etudes from op. 8 and op. 42, live in Leningrad on 30 January 1952. I have not heard him play them this way before or after this recital. For just one example, what he does at 19:00 in op. 8 no. 12 creates an effect of rapid and uncontrollable light shooting out of pitch blackness. He's my favourite pianist of all-time. The photo shows him playing at the Scriabin Museum on 21 December 1947. More info here –


00:00 - op. 8 no. 1
01:32 - op. 8 no. 2
03:11 - op. 42 no. 2
04:02 - op. 8 no. 4
05:24 - op. 8 no. 5
07:28 - op. 8 no. 8
10:21 - op. 8 no. 7
12:09 - op. 8 no. 10
13:58 - op. 8 no. 11
17:42 - op. 8 no. 12

Владимир Софроницкий - Александр Скрябин - Этюды


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