Описание к видео FAREWELL FIRE | Omeleto

A young man revisits a hiking trip.

FAREWELL FIRE is used with permission from Connor Hair and Alex Meader. Learn more at https://perceptionsquared.com.

James is a young man hiking deep in the woods of an old forest. As he moves among the trails and trees, he relives the memories of the last camping trip he took with his father. On the trip, James and his father settle into their campsite, building a fire, and they talk a little about James's future. But then the conversation turns to the real news of the trip: James's father is dying of brain cancer and has only a few months "before it gets bad."

Now, with his father gone, James looks upon his memories of him and mulls over the final words he shared with him. Those memories now comfort him through the grief, and along with the solace of nature, help him find his way again.

Directed by Connor Hair and Alex Meader, who wrote the script, this powerful short drama captures the last trip shared by a father and son, right before they face a final precipice that will part them. When James's father tells his son of his condition, one that will essentially change him and their relationship before he passes, it alters the meaning of the trip. Now, it is not just a parent and child bonding, but the last time they will meaningfully share this majestic natural experience.

The natural setting of the old forest, with its enduring trees and hushed peace, functions as its own character in the film, beautifully captured with expansive, luminous cinematography. But when James and his father make camp for the night and build the fire, they enter into a different psychological space, marked by an almost isolating darkness, dimly lit by only a fire. This endows their dialogue with a particular intensity, marking it as a core memory for them both, which made all the more poignant because it will be one of the last they will share. Actors Jeff Tendall and Ben Morang, as father and son respectively, evoke the deep bond they share, cracking open the strength and steadfastness to reveal the tenderness, devotion and love that a father feels for his children, who look up to him in return.

Restrained, moving and beautifully crafted, FAREWELL FIRE makes the case for the power of shared experiences, as well as a portrayal of the unique emotional intimacy that can be shared between fathers and their children. It doesn't shy away from the pain of parting, but in its final moments, it finds hope in the acceptance and peace that nature offers. Beyond unconditional love, this may be this father's lasting legacy to his son, one that offers solace and guidance even when he's gone.


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