My Greatest Motivators...My Kids – Kurt Warner's 2017 HOF Speech Clip #7

Описание к видео My Greatest Motivators...My Kids – Kurt Warner's 2017 HOF Speech Clip #7

Driving Brenda and our two kids home on a cold winter night, I eased onto the highway and our truck ran out of gas. It was the same truck I had purchased with my signing bonus from the Green Bay Packers because there was no doubt my NFL future was bright. Right, Mooch? Just to set the record straight, yes, you were the one that cut me. There I sat on the side of the road with my family freezing and no money to my name. The four of us began rummaging through the seats hoping to scrape enough change to get home. We didn’t find many coins. As I jogged back to the gas station, I kept thinking “my kids deserve so much better than this.” I convinced the attendant to give me some gas while at the same time convincing myself this would never happen again. I vowed to make a change. And for the first time it wasn’t based on me, or chasing my dream. But I’m giving my kids what they deserve. We have since added five more children. ZT, Jesse, Kade, Jada, EJ, Sienna and Sierra. Undeniably, you are my greatest motivators. My commitment on that jog some 22 years ago, was that no matter where life will take us, I would never stop trying to be better for you. Forget about being a better football player. You drove me to be a better man. To be a better father, to have a better marriage, to love your mama better, to be a better example and to make life better for you and as many people as I possibly can. You inspired this. Tonight, I hope this inspires you. To believe you can be anything you set out to be. Regardless of what others think or what your circumstances say or even what your speed grade is in Madden. Your future; that’s up to you. Most get here striving every day to be better between the lines. For me, it was the result of striving every day to be better for you. You motivated me to embrace every moment regardless of the task as an opportunity to be better. And when I missed the mark, which you often witnessed, to have the courage to change so I wouldn’t miss it again. Now it’s your turn. And I can’t wait to sit in the stands and cheer you on. I love you guys.


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