PNG Unitech Civil Engineering

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Civil Engineering Student and Staff Association Conference

The Civil Engineering Student and Staff Association (CESSA) recently celebrated its formal registration with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) during its Inaugural Annual Conference held on August 17, 2024, at the Rose Kekedo Lecture Theatre at the Papua New Guinea University of Technology.

The event served as a platform to highlight the association’s achievements, future plans, and its role in fostering the growth of the Civil Engineering students and staff community. The conference was graced by dignitaries including representatives from R & Sons Constructions Limited, Advance Construction Limited Managing Director Mr. Geoff Luna, Head of the School of Civil Engineering Dr. Mirzi Betasolo, representatives from the Department of Works and Highways, Civil Engineering Student Representative Senate Rep Mr. McBride Matai, and SRS VP Miss Joylyn Luna.

Speeches were delivered by the esteemed guests, CESSA President Junior Ihania, SRS Rep, CESSA VP Moersha Bergonar, and Dr. Mirzi Betasolo, all of whom emphasized the significance of the association’s role in the community and the importance of student engagement in civil engineering initiatives.

The highlight of the event was the unveiling of the CESSA Registration Certificate, marking the official recognition of the association. The evening concluded with a cake-cutting and ribbon-cutting ceremony, symbolizing the beginning of a new chapter for CESSA.

Under the leadership of President Junior Ihania, CESSA has successfully executed several community-oriented initiatives, including:

Campus Cleanathon
Motivational/Worship Nights
Debate Competition
Donation Drive to Oro Province (in collaboration with the Mining Students Association and PNGUOT Oro Students and Staff Association)
Stationery Donation to selected primary schools in Oro Province
Looking ahead, CESSA plans to undertake additional projects by the end of the year, such as a library building project for a rural community school, another stationery donation drive, a Cleanathon, and a hospital visit. The association’s motto for 2024, "Talk less, Do more," reflects its commitment to fostering a sense of responsibility and positive societal contributions among its members.

To support its ongoing and future programs, CESSA is introducing Professional Membership packages, offering a yearly membership at K200 for individuals and K1000 for corporate sponsors. Additionally, CESSA plans to launch a merchandise line featuring the insignias of corporate sponsors, CESSA, and the School of Civil Engineering, with the first order expected by the end of August.

CESSA extends its heartfelt gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their generous contributions:

Mr. Thomas Pisimi and R & Sons Constructions Limited – K2000
Mr. Geoff Luna and Advance Construction Limited – K3000
UOC Construction – K500
Mr. Samson Apai, Provincial Works Manager, and Department of Works and Highways (Morobe) – Commitment to be confirmed
Mr. Melki Zedeck Ohaeo and GJ Constructions Limited – Commitment to be confirmed
Kande Naik Construction Limited – K1000 committed
Dr. Mirzi Betasolo and the School of Civil Engineering Administration
CESSA is deeply appreciative of the support and contributions that have made the 1st Annual Conference and Launching Program a success.

For further information regarding the program or CESSA, please contact President Junior Ihania at 71314721 or via email at [email protected].


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