Fallout 4 Theories: Does Your Family Die? | The Nuka-Cola Lounge Podcast #3

Описание к видео Fallout 4 Theories: Does Your Family Die? | The Nuka-Cola Lounge Podcast #3

This week, we put forward another theory born out of our examination of the E3 Fallout 4 Showcase: we believe the main character's family, in full or in part, survives the war, lives on into the future and will play a major role in Fallout 4. Kick back with a warm, dusty bottle and listen in as Syb and Ash dissect the footage, kick around some arguments, and kick a few others out the vault window.

We want to hear from you! Do you agree? Disagree? Have other topics you'd like us to discuss? Insights to share? Theories or opinions about Fallout 4? Leave comments below, or tweet us:   / triplesleague  

Fallout 4 release countdown: 95 days remaining. HYPE!


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