Don't Use Beans For Akara, Use Bambara Nuts (Okpa)...

Описание к видео Don't Use Beans For Akara, Use Bambara Nuts (Okpa)...

Did you eat Akara this last weekend?… Don’t try that type again, this is an upgraded version of Akara, if it doesn’t look and taste like this, No chop am 😂😂😂

I was amazed that i could make Akara with Bambara nuts. I could hardly tell the difference on sight from the real one

Anyway, we are still giving out N10k to 10 people this Yuletide season. Replicate any of the recipes you see this hashtag #foodiesandspicechristmasmenu on this page

Replicate, upload your video or pictures detailing the process, tag me, use the hashtag #foodiesandspicechristmasmenu then stand a chance to be picked. If una no do am, I go pocket my money jejeje 😂😂😂 … na my Christmas present to una be that.


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