British YouTuber and rapper Yung Filly admits to reckless driving in Australia while awaiting trial

Описание к видео British YouTuber and rapper Yung Filly admits to reckless driving in Australia while awaiting trial

A British YouTuber and rapper known as Yung Filly admitted in an Australian court on Thursday to reckless driving while he was awaiting trial on charges of raping a woman three months ago.

The 29-year-old, whose real name is Andres Felipe Valencia Barrientos, appeared briefly in the Perth Magistrates Court charged with speeding at 158 kilometers (98 miles) per hour in a 100 kph (62 mph) zone in the Western Australia state capital last month. Speeding becomes reckless driving at 45 kph (28 mph) above the speed limit.

His lawyer Joanne Oliver told the court he would plead guilty to a reckless driving charge at his next court appearance on Jan. 30.

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