Strategic Financial & Estate CHOICES at Age 60, 70, or 80: Retirement

Описание к видео Strategic Financial & Estate CHOICES at Age 60, 70, or 80: Retirement

Make savvy strategic choices for your CA Retirement Planning, finances, estate planning with expert advice 👉 Book a Call at to learn how to prepare for retirement to reach your retirement goals.

Age 50 begins the long conversation about retirement. At age 60, some begin to retire when they’re still active—and during this crucial decade, you have a tremendous opportunity for tax planning to reduce what the government takes and thereby increase generational wealth. At age 70, one should begin thinking strategically about RMDs (think “tax arbitrage”) from a retirement account. And when approaching 80, decisions need to be made about who is the right person to assist with finances and personal care, along with the careful implementation of wealth transfer strategies for the next generation. At each stage, it’s far too easy to miss opportunities and make wrong choices. Don’t miss this vital webinar!

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