燕麦加干果,不加糖,能量满满的健康小零食 nuts and fruits biscotti

Описание к видео 燕麦加干果,不加糖,能量满满的健康小零食 nuts and fruits biscotti

oatmeal 燕麦片 100 g(1.2 cup)
cake flour 低筋面粉 125 g(1cup)
baking powder 泡打粉 1 tsp
salt 盐 1/4 tsp
cocoa powder 可可粉 1 tbsp
egg 鸡蛋 2
蜂蜜 honey 90 g(1/4 cup)
coconut oil 椰子油 15 g(1 tbsp)
walnuts 核桃仁 30 g(1/3 cup)
almonds 大杏仁 30 g(1/4 cup)
peanuts 花生仁 20 g(1/4 cup)
cranberry 蔓越莓干 25 g(1/4 cup)
raisins 葡萄干 25 g(1/4 cup)


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