Alash Ensemble Live at the University of Chicago International House, Tuvan Throat Singing

Описание к видео Alash Ensemble Live at the University of Chicago International House, Tuvan Throat Singing

- music begins at 3:07
- introductory song by Bady-Dorzhu Ondar and can be listened to here:    • Alash Ensemble Live in Chicago for 10...  

Alash Ensemble plays a free concert hosted at UChicago's International House and sponsored by the Global Voices Performing Arts Series, CEERES, CCES, WHPK, Genki Kai, EthNoise and the Central Asian Studies Society on March 2, 2016.

The members of Alash are Tuvan throat singers, who use a remarkable technique for singing multiple pitches at the same time. Masters of traditional Tuvan instruments as well as the art of throat singing, they are deeply committed to traditional Tuvan music and culture. At the same time, they are fans of western music. Believing that traditional music must constantly evolve, Alash subtly infuse their songs with western elements, creating their own unique style that is fresh and new, yet true to their Tuvan musical heritage

This video was shot, edited, and uploaded by Garrett Hupe


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