Happy 6 Years to Salil | Sumedh Mudgalkar| Bucket List | Sumedh as Salil |

Описание к видео Happy 6 Years to Salil | Sumedh Mudgalkar| Bucket List | Sumedh as Salil |

If small role but beautiful impact had a face, it would be Salil Deshpande. ❤️

When i watched Bucket List a few years ago i honestly fell in love with Salil immediately. It is one of those characters who got their heart in the right place and you could easily connect to them because they seem so real. It felt like if i was in his situation i would react in a similar manner and say or do exactly the kind of things he said or did. You feel for him and at times you just want to give him a hug and say everything will be alright. He grows beautifully during the course of the film and by the end of the movie as you see him happy, smiling and relieved of his grief, you realise that he has occupied a place in your heart forever! ❤️

‪@sumedhvmudgalkar‬ thank you for living Salil, for emoting so beautifully and for making him unforgettable! 🤗✨

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