Is Debt Collector's High Court Writ For Hire Car Too Harsh? | Call The Bailiffs Ep 6 [Full Episode]

Описание к видео Is Debt Collector's High Court Writ For Hire Car Too Harsh? | Call The Bailiffs Ep 6 [Full Episode]

Documentary following the work of repossession agents in the UK as they execute High Court Writs on behalf of people desperate to recover money they are owed.

When defendants are finally tracked down, the enforcement officers working for this collection agency face tense confrontations, difficult dilemmas, and civil litigation as they try to settle debts no one else can.

Through the agents and staff this mini bureau of investigation we follow the stories behind the defendants and claimants as we get to the bottom of each case and portfolio recovery.

In this episode:

Mark and Virgil visit the address of a man who managed to write off a hire car resulting ina debt
of over £17,000.

Alex and Sherry try to recover money owed to a PPI claims company from a woman who
refuses to engage with them.

Alex and Sherry head to a car dealership that owes money for advertising. Can the company
director come up with the money before they commence with their valuations of the vehicles
on his forecourt?

Alex and KC try to track down a man who owes money for legal fees...

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