西村 朗:水の詩曲/Akira Nishimura: POEM OF WATER

Описание к видео 西村 朗:水の詩曲/Akira Nishimura: POEM OF WATER

■西村 朗:水の詩曲 2台のピアノのための (1996)
演奏:木村かをり (pft)、高橋アキ (pft)

この作品は 1996年、いずみホール(大阪)の委嘱により作曲され、同年6月7日、同ホールで、木村かをりさんと高橋アキさんにより初演され、お二人に献呈されている。曲は次のようなイメージによる2つの楽章から成っている。



インドの聖地バラナシを流れるガンジス河の小舟の上で、夕刻から夜にかけて受けたひとつの印象が、この曲の発想の母胎となった。(西村 朗)

楽譜: http://shop.zen-on.co.jp/p/168414

■Akira Nishimura: POEM OF WATER for Two Pianos (1996)
Performed by Kaori Kimura (pft), Aki Takahasi (pft)
Duration: ca. 18 min.
5th December 1997 at Tsuda Hall (Tokyo)
Groupe des Quatre et ses ami(e)s: 4ème cycle (Produced by Zen-On Music Co., Ltd.)

"POEM OF WATER" for two pianos was commissioned by the Izumi Hall, Osaka, and was written for Kaori Kimura and Aki Takahashi who gave the first performance in Osaka, on 7 June 1996.
This piece is dedicated to both pianists: Kaori Kimura and Aki Takahashi, and is consists of two parts reflected on the following images:-

I. “A MIRROR OF WATER” (the 1st Movement): A waving and shining "Mirror of Water" which mirror the light and shadow, atmospheric stream, and the breath of life.
In the evening, the players' chant pass on the water mirroring a lamentation of the present living soul upon a Mirror of Water.
A short chant in the last half of this piece will appeare as a melody by the intermittent tremolo.

II. “A MEMORY OF WATER” (the 2nd Movement): A large River which flows between this world and the next. The soul of the dead which is burned by the bank of the river goes on its journey for the next world, and the memories of this world are remained in his ashes.
A large River, which mirror the flame of a sacred fire on its water, which sink memories in the darkness of the water emitting something like an instantaneous light.

One of my experiences which I could see when I rowed out into the Ganges basin in Varanasi, a sacred ground in India, as evening approached, in a boat became the conception of this piece. (Akira Nishimura)

Here’s the Sample Pages: https://www.zen-on.co.jp/trial/168414...


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