Болезнь нарцисса и головная боль

Описание к видео Болезнь нарцисса и головная боль

Narjes and her three daughters, Mina, Ghazal and Donya, live a simple and pleasant life in a village. They live in a tent that gives them the feeling of being close to nature. Living in the village usually means that they face challenges such as meeting their daily needs and maintaining their living environment. Elham, the woman who lives next to them, may play an important role in providing emotional and practical support to Narjes and her daughters. He can help them with their daily tasks or give them advice. Today, Narjes went to the doctor because of heartache. These types of problems can happen to anyone and show that health care is very important. After receiving the serum, fortunately, Narjes' condition improved and he returned home, which is good news.

#rustic_life #Narjes_and_her_girls #friendship_and_support #health_and_care #tent #simple_life #daily_challenges #family #close_to_nature #life_experiences https://athenai.app


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