Find Me A Luxury Home - Palm Springs - Episode 6

Описание к видео Find Me A Luxury Home - Palm Springs - Episode 6

Elite real estate agent Tatiana Derovanessian of dreamliving|LA® real estate, tours Kevin a party-loving resident of Palm Springs, who is looking to upgrade his desert lifestyle, through three different style homes to see if any suit his home buying needs.
For more follow Tatiana on:
INSTAGRAM: @dreamlivingLA

If you can dream it, you can live it...®

Tatiana Derovanessian
CEO & Realtor®, dreamliving|LA®
Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist®

As seen on AWE network (A Wealth of Entertainment). Check your local listings and cable provider for new episodes. This show is the sole property and copyright of AWE Network. Thank you to Abode Entertainment & AWE Network.


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