10th Anniversary Show with Ken and Roberta Williams and MANY other guests

Описание к видео 10th Anniversary Show with Ken and Roberta Williams and MANY other guests

Guests on the show are: Ken Allen (composer Sierra), Chuck Benton (game designer Sierra), Don Berg (actor Phantasmagoria 2), Brandon Blume (indie game composer), Corey and Lori Cole (designers Quest for Glory), Steve Conrad (programmer Sierra), Mark Crowe (designer Space Quest), Peter Ector (former Sierra moderator), Dean Erickson (lead actor Gabriel Knight 2), Al Eufrasio (animator Sierra), Douglas Herring (artist/animator Sierra), Robert Holmes (composer Gabriel Knight), David Homb (actor Phantasmagoria), Tawmis Logue (creator Larrylaffer.net), Al Lowe (designer Leisure Suit Larry), Josh Mandel (designer Freddy Pharkas and more), Neil Matz (programmer Sierra), Karin Nestor (animator Sierra), Troels Pleimert (Space Quest historian), Chris Pope (SpaceVenture), Jan Rabson (voice actor Leisure Suit Larry), Kevin Ryan (designer Dynamix), Mark Seibert (composer Sierra), Shawn Sharp (artist Dynamix), Ron Spears (artist Sierra), Damon Slye (co-founder Dynamix, designer Great War Planes), Jim Walls (designer Police Quest), Ken and Roberta Williams (founders Sierra On-Line, designer King's Quest and others), Scott Youngblood (designer Tribes).

Please also check out the following GoFundMe pages:

Scott Murphy: in the latest SpaceVenture Update it has been revealed that Scott's absence for the past few years is due to medical reasons - he's been battling prostate cancer. The good news is that Scott had an operation which appears to have been successful. However the medical bills are staggering. To help Scott deal with those, please check the following link: www.gofundme.com/help-for-scott-murphy

Steven Alexander: Steven is the co-founder of Infamous Quests and Infamous Adventures which made games like Quest for Infamy, Order of the Thorn, and remakes of King's Quest 3 and Space Quest 2. Steven unfortunately has a history of kidney issues and it has come to the point where he needs a transplant. While a suitable donor (his wife) has been found, also Steven's medical bills are through the roof (kidney dialysis, hospital stays,...) while he also has no income due to the recovery period he needs. To help Steven, please check out the following link:

Thank you for your consideration.


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