The NOISE Genre - Music or Bullsh*t?

Описание к видео The NOISE Genre - Music or Bullsh*t?

Definitely not Bullshit!
On Sunday, October 16 2022, ‪@ModularWorld‬ will host the Patch On - Noise Challenge where 30 artists are going to prove that 'noise music' is fun. For most of us, 'noise music' is a never ending blast of extreme distortion and feedback, played as loud as possible. Many of us will feel it doesn't even qualify as music. However, according to Wikipedia, it's defined as 'expressive use of noise in a musical context, where conventional use of melody, harmony and rhythm is abandoned. I'd say a typical Krell patch already qualifies for this. I'll be joining the 30 people on the Noise Challenge event, so I had to do some research. I think the modular community is very comfortable with making noise in general, I am sure we're all patching really weird stuff from time to time. So in this video I am going to share my progress and some background info. Hopefully I'll read some of you in the chat on October 16!


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