Old World Punic Wars Rome against Carthage | Rome The Great | Points Victory

Описание к видео Old World Punic Wars Rome against Carthage | Rome The Great | Points Victory

0:19:33 Lost a City Site by Mistake, -3 Points if the City was Strong. Belongs to Capua Next Turn
0:25:42 1st Gallic Raid
0:45:10 2nd Gallic Raid
0:52:58 3rd Gallic Raid
1:03:25 4th Vandals Raid
1:16:33 5th Gallic Raid
1:34:01 6th Gallic Raid. Gauls: Truce +29
1:37:11 7th Tribal Raid from Distant Lands
1:46:36 8th Gallic Raid
1:59:34 9th Gallic Raid. Gauls: Truce +72
2:05:41 10th Tribal Raid from Distant Lands. 16 Tribal Units + 3 Barbs nearby Aetna. 19 Orders
2:13:48 11th Vandals Raid
2:31:21 12th Tribal Raid from Distant Lands
2:54:54 13th Tribal Raid from Distant Lands
2:59:37 14th Vandals Raid
3:09:17 Rome is at War with Vandals
3:15:35 Rome is at War with Gauls
4:25:50 The Tour + The List of Wonders
4:27:35 Points Victory | Timeline and Records

Hey, Old World fans
It's been a while since my last video, but I've finally found some new content which comes within the new patch.
There are a few new World Maps and I really appreciate that devs added those 1 versus 1 duels. It reminds me that kind of Barbarian Horde map a little.
I've found this first map, in particular, to be very challenging, which I'm trying to explain down below.

After the first game won, I wasn't quite happy with how I played, so I decided to give it another few shots to try it again.
I was trying to establish good relation with Carthage because I knew there are barbarians and tribes in the north who are wreaking havoc with their violent attacks, so I tried to influence the other tribes in the region to stay at peace. Although I wasn't in red numbers with them, it wasn't really green either.
Well, being at truce is always a closer step to war than to peace, or in other words, a bad peace is better than a good truce.
There is a moment, marked in the video, when the real hell started up.
Wave after wave of attacks from the top, left, right and sometimes even from the south east continuously raged at Rome, making it difficult to advance towards the enemy.
After that, Rome went into a deep defense, desperately fighting for every single square on the battlefield.
I don't know the algorithm how the game counts the exact number of enemy units sending into the game, but in about 2:05:41 there was a situation that disrupted the tranquility heavily.
It is no secret that the game addresses the opinion status of families, religions, nations and tribes, in terms of how many enemy units it sends at the opponent, means you.
After new patch, there's only one question of how strong that impact is going to be.
And this time, it was like multiple times stronger for sure.
Within a few rounds, the game sends multiple groups of hostile units at Rome…
There is very limited number of orders in The Great difficulty and this very limited number of points in these smaller maps which is OK in some way, but this time it seems that the game punishes the player heavily when in lower opinion levels, not even in red numbers most of the time, and sending legions of barbarians in constant waves. Then all you can do is nothing more than defend yourself, staying in economic stagnation, when there are 19 enemy units and you have 19 orders per turn. These enemy units, the Elite Gauls especially, are much stronger and it requires 3-4 hits to kill one unit, plus moving distance you need to go to reach that unit, which costs another orders. So, it takes approximately 4 orders for every one unit killed. However, when you need to move a unit to a safe spot and healing or promoting it, this number easily can be much higher.
It is just not enough to have a sufficient number of units for the defense purposes because of lack of orders, which you can't create within a few turns.
In other game in the same map I was trying a different strategy, going the way of shrines, creating acolytes to increase orders. When an enemy appeared, there were fewer military units and fewer workers on the friendly side and constantly shuffling these friendly units resulted in losing the ground. A few extra orders, but it was to no avail. However, this can work when playing different maps.
In summary, two smaller maps into the game I can remember from the past, but in these circumstances hellishly hard to solve it in no time at all.
Zero space for a big mistake, a little space for a small mistake here and there.
Must go the way of diplomacy at all cost. Tip: You must be at peace or alliance with Gauls + Carthage.
Nice maps one on one.

Now every dev should play the great difficulty only after the work. Hi, guys... :)

It wasn't my intent to write an essay here, but as the words flowed throughout my mind, I've finally found the way to express myself. Hopefully it makes sense in some way and can help some players.
To all those who have successfully read this article til the end and haven't fallen asleep, congratulations on your perseverance and dedication!
'See' you in the video.


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