Homeschooling Options with David Rodriguez | AUTONOMY Conversations

Описание к видео Homeschooling Options with David Rodriguez | AUTONOMY Conversations

In this interview, David Rodriguez takes us along the path of the 5 phases of homeschooling David has outlined through his research and working with these concepts. David also covers many others concepts and key implementations for homeschooling options, which gives us a great opportunity to explore new ideas or revisit concepts already homeschooling families might be using.

Learn more about AUTONOMY and the One Room Schoolhouse within the University of Reason by visiting today.

This interview was recorded live for the AUTONOMY Students and Graduates on October 16th 2019. The University of Reason is home to a vast array of knowledge on topics like homeschooling, along with many other special guests and bonus footage which is available exclusively to the AUTONOMY community live and for replay at the time they are recorded.


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