Psalm 51 - David's Prayer For Forgiveness

Описание к видео Psalm 51 - David's Prayer For Forgiveness

David has done something really bad and it has hurt a lot of people, but most of all it hurt God. God knows what David has done, David has been caught and deserves to be punished for what he has done.
Have you ever done something wrong and been caught? Maybe you have been caught talking in class when you supposed to be listening or caught using a device when you have used up your screen time. Maybe you have been caught being mean to someone.
What did you do when you got caught? Did you blame someone else or deny that you did it?
Now that David has been caught doing to wrong thing he doesn't keep pretending he did nothing wrong, he knows he can't hide his sin from God and he knows he deserves to be punished. The worst thing for David is that he knows he has hurt God the most. David knows that God has every right not to be friends with him anymore.
So David goes to God and repents of his sin. He asks God to forgive him by washing him clean of his sin and giving him a pure heart, one that can love God and be loved by him forever.
We can't hide our sin, the wrong things we do or the good things we should do but don't, from God either. We need to admit our wrongs to God and ask God to give us a pure heart that loves him and can be loved by Him.
We can do this by going to Jesus in prayer. When we ask Jesus to forgive us He takes our dirty sinful heart and gives us a clean heart. He takes our punishment through his death on the cross and gives us relationship with God forever!


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