Couponing for Beginners. What to do & What NOT to do tips tricks & advice Ep. 1

Описание к видео Couponing for Beginners. What to do & What NOT to do tips tricks & advice Ep. 1

Couponing for Beginners. Learn How to Extreme Coupon. How to get started couponing a weekly Friday video exploring the world of couponing. Tips Tricks Advice on how to coupon.. What you should and shouldn't do. So check back every Friday for a new episode hit that like and subscribe and most of all Thank you for Watching!!!

Budget List Ideas Figure out what you spend weekly/Bi Weekly or Monthly on the below listed items and write it down.
Teeth Toothpaste Toothbrushes Regular and Electric Floss and Mouth Wash Teeth Whitening Kits
Hair Dye
Body Wash Bar Soap
Shaving Needs Razors and Shaving Cream
Eye wear Contact Solution Eye Drops
Fem Hygiene Products (Pads Liners Tampons)
Makeup (mascara eye shadow lip nail polish)
BABY/TODDLER Diapers Pullups Baby Wash Lotion
Cleaning Supplies (Windex, Cleaners, Bathroom Cleaners, Bleach)
Laundry Soap (Pods or Liquid)
Static Sheets
Fabric Softener
Paper Products Toilet Paper, Paper Towels
Dish Soap
Dish Washer Tabs


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