design your power apps forms form control tutorial

Описание к видео design your power apps forms form control tutorial

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creating forms in power apps is a fundamental skill for anyone looking to build applications that require user input. this tutorial will guide you through designing power apps forms using form controls, along with code examples. we will cover the following topics:

1. *setting up your environment*
2. *creating a new canvas app*
3. *adding a form control*
4. *customizing the form*
5. *submitting and validating the form*

1. setting up your environment

before you start building your forms, ensure you have access to power apps. you can access power apps via the web ( or through the power apps mobile app.

2. creating a new canvas app

1. *log in to power apps.*
2. click on *create* from the left navigation pane.
3. select **canvas app from blank**.
4. name your app and choose the format (phone or tablet).
5. click on *create* to open the app designer.

3. adding a form control

1. in the app designer, go to the *insert* tab in the ribbon.
2. select **forms**, then choose **edit form**.
3. the form will be added to your canvas. resize and position it as needed.
4. with the form selected, go to the right pane and set the *datasource* property to your desired data source (e.g., sharepoint, sql server, dataverse).

example code for setting datasource

4. customizing the form

now that you have the form control in place, you can customize it:

**adding fields**:
with the form selected, in the right pane, click on the **edit fields**.
click on *add field* to include fields from your data source.

**rearranging fields**:
you can drag and drop fields to rearrange them as per your layout preferences.

**customizing field properties**:
select a field in the form, and in the right pane, you can change properties such as **label**, **default**, **required**, etc.

example of setting default value for a field

you can set a default value for a field by selecting the field in the form and using the fo ...

#PowerApps #FormControlTutorial #windows
Power Apps
form control
design forms
user interface
data input
form customization
Power Apps forms
user experience
responsive design
data submission
app development
Microsoft Power Platform


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