Self-Love Workbook for Women 2 with Nicola Dickens

Описание к видео Self-Love Workbook for Women 2 with Nicola Dickens

Chapter 2 Prepare for the Road Ahead:  "If someone else notices our qualities and talents, we think those parts of us must be worthwhile... We long for someone to discover, admire, and colonize us. But why must it be another person? Why can't you sail 'that voyage and explore yourself?"  Vironika Tugaleva

Let's start this show with a moment of silence to remember all the lives lost 21 years ago on September 11.

Affirmation Cube: "Let your light shine.

The power of a daily self-love practice: It's never too late to learn and practice self-love. Talking to yourself is kind and in keeping you focused on your goals. Self-love can't grow in the context of shame and insults. I found that my abusers always found a way to insult me and put me down, making it seem like this was all normal behavior, and teaching a child about how to have intercourse was normal. Every family does it, and you learn best with practice. The more skilled you become, the easier it will be to do. A daily dose of self-love sets up a pathway in the brain for self-love to become automatic, allowing self-love to grow.   This practice of self-love might be difficult when you first start, but over time it will get easier.

It's not all bubble baths and manicures: The pampering of bubble baths in this ever-changing world is relaxing, calming, and essential. It's something that we may not have the time to enjoy for an extended period. Start with five minutes and do it as often as you can. The pampering is fantastic and helps relax in the here and now, but we, as people, demand it. True self-love involves more. It means we develop honesty within ourselves, identify our values, and create an authentic life free from self-harm and self-destructive patterns.

Be Vulnerable: Focusing on others' needs can be a way of avoiding our own needs, making us feel vulnerable. An essential part of being authentic to ourselves is recognizing our vulnerability. Our feelings of not being good enough, along with our disappointment, sadness, and fears. When going through those deep feelings of depression or anxiety attacks, seek out your primary support system, whether be your spouse, parent, friend, or therapist. They are the main people who help cheer you up and catch you as you fall into depression. You got this!

Be honest:  Honesty allows us to thoughtfully speak our minds and express our feelings and opinions even if it upsets others or makes someone else uncomfortable. Suppressing emotions doesn't make them go away. It just makes them come out later and possibly worse. Honesty when I was a young adult, I had a lying problem, and believe me when I say lying is an addictive behavior. I would lie even if the truth sounded better, and it all stemmed from having a horrible childhood. Who wouldn't want a different life? I never lied about important things, just stupid shit like my brother and I were twins, owning a jeep, or having parents that loved me. As I got older, the lies got stupider to cover the lies I had previously told until I couldn't get out from under them. I started warning people, especially kids, about the danger of lying.

Put yourself first:  How can we put ourselves first? With the busy lives we all live day after day, putting ourselves first seems like a daunting task that we don't have time for. Putting ourselves first is highly overrated and gets put on the back burner until Self-love becomes self-love? What's self-love becomes more of an elusive behavior.   Learning to set emotional and physical boundaries allowed me to restore and engage in activities that brought me peace and joy.

This is the beginning of the self-love journey in our lives. Remember to practice the exercises as needed. Not all of the activities in this book will help you in your journey of self-love but try them once and then custom-fit the activities that help you most. I wish you all the best, and I'm so happy you are taking this journey beside me. Have a beautiful day, and Mad Love. Nicola Dickens

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00:00 Introduction
00:10 A moment of silence
01:05 First Smoke
07:38 Second Smoke
11:55 The Power of a daily self-love Practice
13:35 Its not all bubble baths and manicures
14:53 Be Vulnerable
16:17 Be Honest
24:25 Put Yourself First
26:06 Make time for you
27:18 Even five minutes is enough
31:23 schedule it so you don't forget it
35:00 Final Smoke


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