Well of Souls (With lyrics) - The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Описание к видео Well of Souls (With lyrics) - The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night

Artist: Rebecca Kneuhbuhl, Gabriel Mann
Album: The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night Original Game Music Score
Year: 2007
Label: Universal Music Production Library
Disk: 2
Track: 08
Name: Well of Souls


Original Wording from:
Work - Ex Ponto, Book IV, XVI
Author - Ovid

[Original in Latin]

Omnia perdidimus, tantummodo uita relicta est
Praebeat ut sensum materiamque mali

Quid iuuat extinctos ferrum demittere in artus?
Non habet in nobis iam noua plaga locum

[Translation to English]

We have lost everything, and to the extent that life is left
It offers just the sense and substance of evil

What is the use of plunging a sword into a body already dead?
There is no longer any room in me for a fresh wound

The lyrics make parallels to Gaul and his army, and all the suffering of the tainted souls seduced by Malefor's dark influence. The tainted souls have lost everything, the few that rested of their lives, was consumed by Malefor's wrath, and they are nothing more than empty vessels to Malefor's will, ready to attend for his commands and to die for their duty.


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