Park NX-TSH introduction | Industrial AFM for Large & Heavy sample

Описание к видео Park NX-TSH introduction | Industrial AFM for Large & Heavy sample

The automated Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) system for ultra large and heavy flat panel displays at nanoscale.
As the demand for Atomic Force Metrology for larger flat panel displays increases, Park NX-Tip Scan Head overcomes nanometrology challenges for samples over 300mm. The Tip Scanning Head and gantry style air-bearing stage allows Park NX-TSH to accurately image roughness measurement, step height measurement, critical dimension measurement.
Atomic force microscopy is the most accurate, and non-destructive, method of measuring samples at nanoscale and with Park NX-TSH, reliable, high resolution AFM images can be obtained on OLEDs, LCDs, photomasks and more.

#Largesample #AFM #Atomicforcemicroscopy


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