"माया - तितो सत्य" | HG Rupeshwor Gaur Das | SB 3.31.37

Описание к видео "माया - तितो सत्य" | HG Rupeshwor Gaur Das | SB 3.31.37

Srimad Bhagavatam class by HG Rupeshwor Gaur Das on 23rd December 2022 at ISKCON Kathmandu Nepal

ŚB 3.31.37
तत्सृष्टसृष्टसृष्टेषु को न्वखण्डितधी: पुमान् ।
ऋषिं नारायणमृते योषिन्मय्येह मायया ॥ ३७ ॥
ko nv akhaṇḍita-dhīḥ pumān
ṛṣiṁ nārāyaṇam ṛte
yoṣin-mayyeha māyayā

tat — by Brahmā; sṛṣṭa-sṛṣṭa-sṛṣṭeṣu — amongst all living entities begotten; kaḥ — who; nu — indeed; akhaṇḍita — not distracted; dhīḥ — his intelligence; pumān — male; ṛṣim — the sage; nārāyaṇam — Nārāyaṇa; ṛte — except; yoṣit-mayyā — in the form of a woman; iha — here; māyayā — by māyā.

Amongst all kinds of living entities begotten by Brahmā, namely men, demigods and animals, none but the sage Nārāyaṇa is immune to the attraction of māyā in the form of woman.

The first living creature is Brahmā himself, and from him were created sages like Marīci, who in their turn created Kaśyapa Muni and others, and Kaśyapa Muni and the Manus created different demigods and human beings, etc. But there is none among them who is not attracted by the spell of māyā in the form of woman. Throughout the entire material world, beginning from Brahmā down to the small, insignificant creatures like the ant, everyone is attracted by sex life. That is the basic principle of this material world. Lord Brahmā’s being attracted by his daughter is the vivid example that no one is exempt from sexual attraction to woman. Therefore woman, is the wonderful creation of māyā to keep the conditioned soul in shackles.


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