Tuto for mixing Zero Paints 2k Clear Coat Diamond finish

Описание к видео Tuto for mixing Zero Paints 2k Clear Coat Diamond finish

Tuto for mixing this really great product, text from Zero Paints (www.zero-paints.com) website.

Diamond Finish - 2 Pack GLOSS Clearcoat System (2K Urethane) 220ml

We have been striving to find the best 2K clearcoat system available and this is it, once applied it has an amazing wet look finish.

Pack Contents :

1 x 100ml Diamond Finish Clear Coat (High Solid) also known as Urethane or Polyurethane (Supplied in Glass Bottle)
1 x 60ml Hardener (Supplied in Glass Bottle)
1 x 60ml Thinners (Supplied in Glass Bottle)
Mixing Ratio
100 Parts Clear, 50 Parts Hardener + 10% Thinners

(e.g. 20ml Clear, 10ml Hardener + 3ml Thinners).
Drying Times : Air Drying at 20°C, Dust Free 30 Mins, Tack Free : 10-12 Hours, Thoroughly Dry : 48 Hours. Can be polished after 12 hours at 20 °C


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