Let's read A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author 📚 - Nostalgic Reads

Описание к видео Let's read A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author 📚 - Nostalgic Reads

A to Z Mysteries: The Absent Author
by Ron Roy, illustrated by John Steven Gurney
Published by Random House, Inc., New York

Dedicated to Lori Haskins - R.R.
Dedicated to Kathie, Jesse, and Molly - J.S.G

Book Description:
Dink writes it his favorite author, mystery writer Wallis Wallace, and invites him to visit Green Lawn. Wonder of wonders, Wallace says yes! In fact, the famous writer says that the only way he won't' come is if he's kidnapped. But when the big day comes, Wallis Wallace is nowhere to be found. The police think he just missed his plane, but Dink knows better. It's up to Dink and his two best friends, Josh and Ruth Rose, to find Wallace--before it's too late!

00:00 - Chapter 1
05:49 - Chapter 2
09:25 - Chapter 3
15:08 - Chapter 4
21:04 - Chapter 5
24:48 - Chapter 6
29:47 - Chapter 7
34:28 - Chapter 8
37:31 - Chapter 9
39:05 - Chapter 10
45:23 - Teaser


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